Page 17 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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the concept of the “10-minute walk.”  The work    to incorporate green building practices in a
              by the Trust for Public Land in their creation of the   visible way and also to tell the story of our natural
              “Park Score Index” for hundreds of cities across   environments.  The documents that touched on
              the country perhaps solidified this notion that we   indoor facilities most directly were the previous
              need to be planning for parks so that folks need   Parks and Rec Master Plan Update of 2015 and
              walk no more than 10 minutes (about a half mile)   the Parks and Rec Strategic Business Plan of
              to reach one.  Parks are vital civic infrastructure.    2020.  The former recommended adding over
              The KC Walkability Plan and Trails KC Plan        480,000 square feet of new community center
              advocate for them as trail heads.  KC Blueprint   space by the year 2019 and specifically in the
              and the KC Physical Activity Plan advocated       under-served areas of the city such as the far
              for them to help keep our neighborhoods more      north.  The later plan recommended improving
              connected, healthy, and safe.   These previous    the internal and external communications
              plans also urged us to plant more plants in our   practices to improve the customer experience at
              park spaces.  Both the Urban Forest and Parks     these centers.  Both plans urged the department
              and Rec Sustainability Master Plan called for an   to study the true cost of programming and other
              expansion of sustainable resource management.     services offered to achieve better cost recovery.
              The Regional Climate Action Plan established      Both plans also advocated for developing
              benchmarks for increasing  urban tree canopies    partnerships to enhance the program offerings in
              and healthy riparian areas to build resilience in   these facilities.
              the face of climate change.  Lastly, these plans
              advocated for the activation of parks as the      TRAILS
              hallmark of a great city.  The KC Physical Activity
              Plan specifically called for us to “Re-imagine    Trails have been a hot topic in Kansas City ever
              parks as a “third choice” amenity, where they are   since the  Mid-America Regional Council (MARC)
              recognized as a welcoming alternative place for   published the MetroGreen Plan in 2001.  Trails and
              families and communities to gather, other than    the benefits they provide the city were mentioned
              their work or home. “                             in plans from across all sectors.  The Regional

              FACILITIES                                        Climate Action Plan calls for more trails because
                                                                they reduce our carbon footprint by facilitating
                                                                more non-motorized forms of transportation and
              Previous plans such as the Parks and Rec          build climate resiliency by preserving forested
              Sustainability Master Plan and the Blue River     and riparian habitats.  The KC Stream Asset
              Action Plan recognized the power that our         Inventory and the more recent Blue River Action
              community centers have to educate our             Plan also recognized the ability our trail corridors
              citizens.  They advocated for  indoor facilities   have to preserve riparian corridors from over

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