Page 18 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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development and use.  The Blue River Action Plan   Sustainability Plan called for the implementation
              and the Brush Creek Corridor Plan from 1998 also   of more pollinator species and more native
              called for trails in these respective corridors to   grasses and the reduction of turf.  These moves
              tell the cultural history of these regions of the city.    would reduce maintenance burden and reliance
              Multiple plans recognized the power of trails to   on fossil fuels while also increasing habitat and
              improve the mental and physical health of citizens   biodiversity within the system.  The 2020 Blue
              and spoke of them as public health infrastructure.    River Action Plan also called for battling against
              The 2008 Trails KC Plan and the more recent       invasive exotic species that run rampant through
              2015 Parks and Rec Master Plan Update spoke to    many parklands. The 2015 Master Plan Update
              specific benchmark mileage goals for the system.    called for the establishment of a tree canopy goal.
              The Trails KC Plan advocated for creating a       The 2020 Strategic Business Plan established
              230-mile network of interconnected trails out of   “Conservation” as one of the four pillars of the
              a system that at that time had only 30 miles.  The   department and advocated for the department to
              2015 Master Plan Update, sought to add over 120   improve the air and water quality for the citizens
              additional miles of trail which would have pushed   of Kansas City, promote environmentally sound
              the network closer to 270 total miles.            practices, and serve as exceptional stewards of
                                                                the natural resources being entrusted to it.
              SUSTAINABILITY                                    ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

              Numerous plans focused on the ways in which
              this department can leverage partnerships, refine   Many of these planning efforts spoke to the power
              its management practices, and acquire land to     of parks and open space to improve the local
              promote sustainability in Kansas City.  Both the   economy of their communities.  The 2008 Trails
              Kansas City Walkability Plan and the KC Physical   KC Plan highlighted the success of other Missouri
              Activity Plan urged the city to work with local   cities who have invested in trail infrastructure.
              not-for-profit agencies to engage the community   Rocheport, Missouri along the Katy Trail at the
              in sustainable practices on parkland.  Groups like   time claimed trail related tourism had brought
              the Heartland Conservation Alliance, Bridging     350,000 visitors and injected $1M annually into
              the Gap, and Urban Ranger Corps would have        the local economy.  The 2019 Bike KC Master
              the ability to involve youth from the community   Plan also encouraged the development of trails to
              in park restoration work.  Plans advocated for    promote bike tourism in the region.  Trail and park
              department staff, as well, to engage in more      development also help the economy by raising
              restoration work such as along the Brush Creek    adjacent property values by as much as 7%,
              and Blue River corridors.  Plans like the 2019    according to the 2019 Sustainability Master Plan.

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