Page 20 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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The Kansas City, Missouri Parks and Recreation MARLBOROUGH PARK
Department is undertaking a number of
dynamic planning and design exercises at this A master plan for the 18-acre park in the heart of
time. This master plan acknowledges these the Marlborough neighborhoods in southeast
6 on-going planning projects. Any approved Kansas City is presently being undertaken. This
recommendations from these plans will be planning process is being funded by monies
incorporated into this master plan. disbursed by the Public Improvement Advisory
Committee (PIAC) and is intended to generate an
KESSLER PARK environmental conservation plan, an operations
and maintenance plan, as well as cost estimates
Kessler Park is an approximately 300-acre green and a phasing strategy. The project has
space comprised of seven smaller separte parks followed a three -phase process of discovery,
containing areas of active and passive recreation, then strategy, followed by final plan production.
natural splendor, and historic elements of George Close collaboration with a diverse advisory
Kessler’s original park and boulevard master committee of neighborhood residents was paired
plan for Kansas City. This master plan will create with diverse engagement techniques to meet
a coordinated community driven improvement residents at the park and in their neighborhood.
plan for the park, an operations and maintenance Final recommendations from this plan are still
plan, and connectivity plan, and conservation under review by the Department. The proposed
plan for improving health and resilience of natural design plans prioritize trail connections, removal
resources. The multidisciplinary consultant team of exotic species in the wooded areas, conversion
conducting this project employed a three-phase of turf to native prairie, and park amenities that will
process of community engagement, site analysis, bring more activity to the park.
and design. The engagement process entailed
regular interaction with an advisory committee, BRUSH CREEK
stakeholder interviews, online surveys, a project
website, and 3 public meetings. The plan has KC Water and the United States Army Corps of
resulted in a community vision and mission for the Engineers, have partnered to create a Master
overall park, in addition to cost estimated design Plan for Lower Brush Creek from The Paseo to
concepts for each of the seven constituent parks. its confluence with the Blue River near Coal Mine
Road. The purpose of the master plan is to guide
future projects that will improve recreational and
cultural opportunities, as well as environmental
conditions and aesthetics along the creek. It