Page 243 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 243





          SITE LOCATION:  Blue Pkwy. & Cleveland Ave., South to E. 59th St. & S. Benton Ave.
                                                          STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, & OPPORTUNITIES
        CLASSIFICATION:                Greenway
                                                       Located in the North Town Fork Creek neighborhood, this park is one
        COUNCIL DISTRICT:                    3         of the highest-ranked greenways in the system.  It features full and half

        PARK DISTRICT:             QLID                basketball courts, a diamond field, playground structures, a walking trail,
                                                       and permanent restrooms.  Opportunities for improvement include:
        ESTABLISHED:            1970                   •   Updating areas along the greenway should be a priority, some

        ACREAGE:            68.19 acres                    areas were recently renovated, and updating the remaining park
                                                           to match this aesthetic would help the greenway to be a more
                                                           complete, connected park
        PARK AMENITIES                                 •   The community would like to see a more friendly park for children
                                                           under 12. This can be accomplished by moving the full-court
        •  Basketball Courts (5)                           basketball court and implementing a splash park and a playground
        •  Benches (5)                                     geared towards younger kids
        •  Bleachers/Grandstands (3)                   •   This park has proven to be a safety issue, to improve, the trees can
        •  Bridge (1)                                      get pruned higher so that there are more clear sightlines through
        •  Diamond Fields (1)                              the park and locate amenities closer to the trafficked streets
        •  Drinking Fountain (2)              PARK ASSESSMENT RATING
        •  Dugouts (2)
        •  Grills (2)                         RATING KEY:  0-24 ACCEPTABLE;  25-49 POOR;  50-74 GOOD;  75-100 EXCELLENT
        •  Multi-Use Trail (1)
        •  New Park Sign  (1)                     UNACCEPTABLE           POOR           GOOD      ✓    EXCELLENT
        •  Park Loop Trail (1)
        •  Parking Lot (1)
        •  Pedestrian Lighting  (16)
        •  Picnic Shelter (1)
        •  Picnic Tables (4)
        •  Playground (1)                                          Usability-14             Comfort/Character-30
        •  Regulatory Sign (1)
        •  Restrooms (Permanent) (2)
        •  Stream/Creek (1)
        •  Trash Receptacles (6)                   Accessibility-14            Amenities-25       TOTAL SCORE


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