Page 247 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 247

West Rock



          SITE LOCATION:  E. 27th St. & Hunter Ave.       STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, & OPPORTUNITIES

        CLASSIFICATION:                Park            Located in Western Blue Township, this park is not easily accessible.
        COUNCIL DISTRICT:                    3         There is little to no access and sidewalks are also infrequent with no

        PARK DISTRICT:             QLID                crosswalks and no parking.  There are several mature trees to provide
                                                       shade throughout the park.  Opportunities for improvement include:
        ESTABLISHED:            1980                   •   This park would benefit greatly from more programmed areas to

        ACREAGE:            18.48 Acres                    activate all areas in the park.  This will help increase usability as well
                                                           as enhance the safety of the park
                                                       •   Clusters of picnic tables and seating areas with shade would help
        PARK AMENITIES                                     to improve the park as well
                                                       •   There is a large open space in the park, this is an opportunity to
        •  Old Park Sign (1)                               implement a flexible sports field in the central area of the park
                                                       •   A master plan process would benefit this park to determine
                                                           community preferences for improvements

                                              PARK ASSESSMENT RATING

                                              RATING KEY:  0-24 ACCEPTABLE;  25-49 POOR;  50-74 GOOD;  75-100 EXCELLENT
                                                  UNACCEPTABLE           POOR           GOOD           EXCELLENT

                                                                    Usability-3              Comfort/Character-16

                                                    Accessibility-6            Amenities-17       TOTAL SCORE


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