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In the chart on the right,
                                                                                         the consultant team
                                                                                         utilized NSGA data for
                                                                                         participation in each of
                                                                                         these indoor, outdoor,
                                                                                         and specialty activities
                                                                                         and developed a unique
                                                                                         participation percentage
                                                                                         for Kansas City.  That
                                                                                         unique participation
                                                                                         percentage accounts for
                                                                                         nationwide and regional
                                                                                         trends, as well as median
                                                                                         age and income in KCMO.
                                                                                         When that participation
                                                                                         percentage is then
                                                                                         applied to U.S. Census
                                                                                         population figures, one
                                                                                         can see  the anticipated
                                                                                         growth for  each of these
                                                                                         activities over the next
                                                                                         5 years.  The top five
                                                                                         most popular activities in
                                                                                         Kansas City, according
                                                                                         to the NSGA (exercise
                                                                                         walking, exercise with
                                                                                         equipment, hiking, aerobic
                                                                                         exercise, and swimming)
                                                                                         are all activities which
                                                                                         residents prioritized in
                                                                                         the statistically valid
                                                                                         community survey and
                                                                                         the online Social Pinpoint


                                                                                         Kansas City residents
                                                                                         are gravitating towards
                                                                                         activities that are health
                                                                                         and wellness driven.
                                                                                         Improvements to the
                                                                                         trail network and the
                                                                                         community centers must
              Figure 5.2: Participation Growth for Activities in Kansas City, Missouri
                                                                                         be considered.

   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76