Page 74 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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and greenways account for only 364 acres.
              Most of the trail and outdoor amenity categories
              are self explanatory.  Once all amenities are
              inventoried, their current service level is shown,
              thereby indicating the current acres of parkland,
              miles of trail, or square footage of indoor
              recreation space per person, and so on.  The
              “Recommended Service Levels” are derived by
              the consultant team through an examination of
              national standards as well as what we have heard
              from the public.  The National Recreation and
              Park Association (NRPA) publishes an annual
              agency performance review which provides
              park metrics for agencies of all sizes across
              the country.  For instance, that report provides
              guidance on everything from how many miles
              of trail  to how many dog parks a city the size of
              KCMO should provide.  Our team adjusts these
              service levels, as needed, based on input received
              through public engagement.  The matrix then
              indicates whether the Kansas City park system
              is meeting  these recommended service levels
              at this time.  Based on population projections,
              the matrix also indicates if the park system will
              continue to meet these service levels in the future,
              both 7 and 17 years from now.  In the case where
              an amenity does not meet the recommended
              service level, the matrix indicates how much
              additional of that facility type is needed.   So what
              can we learn from all these numbers?

                                                                          Figure 5.4: Kansas City, Missouri Level of Service

   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79