Page 76 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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                                                                geographic area.  Des Moines features the largest
        BENCHMARKING                                            park system in the neighboring state of Iowa.
                                                                And Overland Park, while also much smaller in
                                                                population provides the study with a neighboring
                                                                system serving the second largest city in the KC
        ANALYSIS                                                metropolitan area.

                                                                It is easy to draw conclusions from these
                                                                data samples to attempt to formulate
              Benchmarking analysis is an exercise often        recommendations based thereupon.  This
              employed in park master planning because it       analysis must be viewed with a measure of
              offers a quick way to compare peer agencies       caution.  The benchmarking tool is used to
              through a set of established park metrics.  For   spot outliers in the Parks and Recreation
              this study, the consultant team worked closely    system.  Every department has its own staffing,
              with KCMO department staff to select 5 peer       operational, and financial complexities.  While
              cities with some common, and some unique,         these charts and graphs do not provide all of that
              parallels to Kansas City.  The consultant team    back story, they still give us one more guidepost, in
              collected comparable data for each of these 6     addition to the many others in this study, to use in
              cities including both demographic and park and    evaluating this department.
              recreation statistics.
                                                                Parks and Trails
              Baltimore compares very well to Kansas City in
              terms of demographics like population, median     As is depicted in the charts on the next page,
              age, and income.  It also provides a historic east   Kansas City has one of the largest systems
              coast city.   While slightly small in population,   within this peer group of cities.  Its total acreage
              Cincinnati is anther major league city located in   of parkland of 10,500 is second only to Dallas
              the Midwest at the heart of a large metropolitan   with 20,812 acres.  Keep in mind, Dallas is a
              area spanning two states.  It also traces its     much larger city in land area and population.
              foundational roots to a master plan by the noted   When these park acreages are normalized by
              landscape architect George Kessler.  Dallas is    population, the comparisons change.  Within
              clearly a much larger city in terms of population,   this group, Kansas City actually offers up the
              but, like Kansas City, also manages a park system   most park acreage per 1,000 residents at 20.62
              that serves a diverse population across a large

            Figure 5.7: Kansas City, MO               Figure 5.8: Baltimore, MD               Figure 5.9: Cincinnati, OH
                  Population 509,297                       Population 569,931                      Population 309,513

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