Page 73 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
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Inventory                                         between 2 and 30 acres in area.  The majority
                                                                of parks in the system are neighborhood parks
              In order to assess the level of service that a park   from Cypress Park to Gambril Tract and they
              system provides to its people, it’s first necessary   account for  1,296 acres.  “Community Parks” are
              to break down the inventory of that system by all   developed parks between 30 and 200 acres,
              its constituent amenities.  The matrix below does   prominant examples of which are Town Fork
              that for Kansas City by providing  an inventory of   Creek Greenway and Anne Garney Park.  A
              all the different types of parkland, trails, outdoor   “Regional Park” is any developed park greater
              amenities, and indoor facilities.  A few terms    than 200 acres, such as Swope and Hodge Park.
              deserve some definition.  “Mini” or “Pocket       The “Natural Parks and Greenways” category
              Parks” are any developed park less than 2 acres   include any piece of parkland, regardless of size,
              in size.  A good example is Brookside Triangle    that is 100% undeveloped.  While the KCMO
              Park. Kansas City has 25 acres of such parks.     system is distinguished by many natural areas
              A “Neighborhood Park” is any developed park       within its parks, these completely natural parks

         Natural Parks and Greenways

         Reservable Shelters

                                              Meets Standard  -         Meets Standard  -

                 Figure 5.3: Kansas City, Missouri Park and Facility
                                         Level of Service Matrix

   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78