Page 75 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 75


              It’s clear that KCMO has a very large and
              developed park system.  There are few amenities   The level of service provided by the current
              listed in Figure 5.3 that show shortcomings now   Kansas City, Missouri park system meets most
              or in the future.  NaNaturtural pal parkarks or grs   all standards across amenity types now and well
              or greeneenwwaayyss show a shortage, but          into the future.  The only areas of concern from a
              when one considers the many hundreds of acres     quantity standpoint are trails and large shelters.
              of natural and wild spaces in developed parks     The department should consider converting
              around the city, this is not a concern.  If anything,   small shelters into  larger shelters that residents
              the department should consider adding access      can reserve.  Such picnic shelters will be a
              and limited amenities in some of these spaces     welcome amenity to adjacent neighborhoods
              to handle other shortcomings.  For instance,      and will provide additional revenue to the
              the system shows a shortfall in both paved and    department.  The department should focus
              natural trails, to the tune of 60 miles.  Perhaps   on developing more trail miles.  Many of these
              the some of the 364 acres of nanaturtural pal     could come within existing neighborhood and
              parkarks or grs or greeneenwwaayyss can help      community parks.  Survey results indicate that
              satisfy that need.  The matrix suggests that the   residents want the department to prioritize
              system needs more large shelters.  Perhaps some   development of trails and nature preserves.  A
              of the existing “small” shelters can be renovated,   focus on the selective  development of trails in the
              if necessary, and turned into reservable “large”   many acres of natural parks or greenways could
              shelters.                                         be the answer to these needs.


              The level of service matrix can only examine
              the system as a whole based on raw numbers.
              It does not account for the quality of existing
              amenities or their distribution across the broad                             portion of the KCMO
              and diverse geography of Kansas City.  The map     88 88%                    population living within a
              shown in figure 5.4 highlights all parkland in the                           10-minute walk of a park
              city (orange) and provides 1/2-mile and 1-mile
              service radii for each.  The 1/2-mile service radius
              in the dark teal color most closely represents the
              10-minute walk.  This 10-minute walk figure has
              become the standard KCMO and other cities          364                       acres of completely
              across America now strive to achieve in terms                                undeveloped parkland
              of park equity.  Currently, 88% of Kansas City
              residents live within a 10-miute walk from a KCMO
              park, trail or facility.  That is an impressive statistic

              and not hard to believe when viewing this map.
              The largest gaps on the map are found in areas of      60 60                additional miles of trail
              very low population density.  There is not a need to                        needed to bring the
              expand the geographical footprint of the system.                            system up to standard
              As maps in previous sections of the report
              suggest, the need will be to improve the existing
              system with the assets already on hand.

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