Page 77 - KCMO Parks Master Plan 2032
P. 77

Figure 5.10: Dallas, TX                  Figure 5.11: Des Moines, IA             Figure 5.12: Overland Park, KS
        Population 1,299,544                     Population 211,034                      Population 197,726
              acres.  Des Moines, with its very large system,   other three major league cities of Dallas (45),
              comes in at a close second with 19.62 acres per   Baltimore (43), and Cincinnati (23).  When those
              1,000 residents and Dallas drops to fourth.  Not   numbers are normalized by population, Kansas
              coincidentally, KCMO also has the second largest   City finds itself serving 50,929 per community
              raw number of parks at 221 behind Dallas with     center, the second largest constituency behind
              397.  However, if we normalize those numbers      only its neighbor Overland Park (98,663 residents
              by population and look at residents per park,     per community center).  Again, the question can
              we see that Kansas City serves fewer residents    be asked: is Kansas City not providing its citizens
              per park than any other city in this peer group   with enough indoor recreation opportunities,
              with 2,294 resident per park.  This metric can be   or is it in a great position to maximize its
              spun a couple of ways.  On one hand, Kansas       recreation resources?  As discussed previously
              City residents are afforded more parkland per     in this report, Kansas City exists in a metro area
              capita than their peers in these other five cities.    with numerous indoor recreation centers in
              On the other hand, KCMO must find a way to        adjacent municipalities.  What KCMO Parks
              manage equity and stewardship  across  a vast     and Recreation does manage and provide its
              system that is anything but dense.  In terms of   residents that none of these peer cities do is a
              other significant park system elements, the team   collection of cultural facilities.  None of the five
              looked at a number of indoor community or         peer cities manage, partner, and budget for the
              recreation centers in each system.  With 10 such   same slate of museums that Kansas City offers.
              centers, Kansas City comes in at 4th behind the   The last aspect of physical park system this

                                Park Acreage                            Park Acreage per 1,000 Residents

              OVERLAND PARK, KS  2,940                           OVERLAND PARK, KS            14.87

                 DES MOINES, IA  4,170                             DES MOINES, IA                     19.76
                BALTIMORE, MD  4,750                               BALTIMORE, MD      8.33
                   DALLAS, TX                       20,812            DALLAS, TX                16.01
                CINCINNATI, OH  5,150                              CINCINNATI, OH                16.64

               KANSAS CITY, MO       10,500                       KANSAS CITY, MO                      20.62
                          0     5,000  10,000  15,000  20,000  25,000       0.00   5.00   10.00  15.00  20.00   25.00
              Figure 5.13: Parks Acreage among the 6 peer cities  Figure 5.14: KCMO Parks & Recreation Department
                                                                Expenditures 2023-2024

   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82