Page 31 - Studio Profile
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KC Parks & Rec  2019 Spring/Summer Fun Guide                                                                31

               Health & Wellness

      Adult-Senior Volley-Fit
      The Volley-Fit program is pick-up open volleyball for active
      senior adults ages 50 plus. This is also a program to help
      senior adults socialize as well as stay in shape and active.
      Age: 50+
      Fee: $2 drop-in fee
      Duration: 8-week session
      Hillcrest Community Center

      Girls on the Run
      Girls on the Run is a program focusing on character
      development, confidence, positive self-images and physical
      activity through interactive lessons, games and running.
      Participants will celebrate completion of the program with
      a 5K run. Kansas City Parks and Recreation is thrilled to be
      hosting such an important program. Scholarships are available.
      Age: 3rd-8th grade
      Fee: $165 session                                       Southeast Community Center
      Duration: 10-week session (Monday & Tuesday)
                                                              Youth LIFT
      Pickleball                                              Whether you’re working out for fun or to stay fit during the off-season,
      Pickleball is an amazingly fun game that combines ping pong, tennis   we’ve got you. Youth LIFT will help you learn proper ways to build
      and badminton. Get a great workout while having fun and making   muscle, increase endurance, and create healthy habits. Sessions
      friends. This game is recreational, and we are looking for people that   include stretching, use of weight equipment, and instruction on
      would like to learn this fun sport. Come by and check it out!   targeting different muscle groups. This is a great class to create a
      Age: 18+                                                foundation for lifelong fitness.
      Fee: $2/class or included in membership                 Age: 13-17
      Duration: Mondays, 2-4 p.m.                             Fee: $24 session / $5 drop-in
                                                              Duration: Twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) for 4 weeks
      Silver Sneakers
      Silver Sneakers class will increase your energy and help you stay fit   Spinning
      while having fun and meeting new people! This ongoing program for   This is a non-impact cardiovascular workout that takes place on
      seniors teaches cardio, weightlifting and positive thinking. It’s a   a stationary bike. It does not require a lot of coordination as it
      great time, and our Silver Sneakers family is growing every year. Free   incorporates the mind/body connection and a visualization, leaving
      admission with your Humana Silver Sneakers card.        participants with a great sense of accomplishment.
      Age: 60+                                                Age: 18+
      Fee: $2/class or included in membership                 Fee: $5 drop-in or included in membership
      Duration: Ongoing                                       Duration: Tuesdays and Thursdays

                                                              Strength & Toning
                                                              A low-impact class that focuses on conditioning, sculpting and toning
                                                              of those stubborn areas. Suitable for all fitness levels. Weight training
                                                              helps shape and strengthen muscles while building your body to use
                                                              more calories during cardio workouts.
                                                              Age: 18+
                                                              Fee: $5 drop-in or included in membership
                                                              Duration: Mondays and Wednesdays
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