Page 27 - Studio Profile
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KC Parks & Rec  2019 Spring/Summer Fun Guide                                                                27


                                                                        rate while being challenged and motivated. Based on prior
                                                                        skating experience, adults may choose to begin at the
                                                                        level that best matches their skill base.
                                                                        Age: 18+
                                                                        Fee: $100 session
                                                                        Duration: 8-week session

                                                                        Adult Power, Skills & Drills
                                                                        Come out to Adult Power Skating, Skills & Drills on
                                                                        Tuesday nights for a chance to learn a new skill or just
                                                                        get a great workout! This class is for beginners and more
                                                                        advanced skaters to help learn or improve their hockey
                                                                        Age: 18+
                                                                        Fee: $14 drop-in
                                                                        Duration: Ongoing
      Youth Hockey Skills 1                                   Southeast Community Center
      USA Hockey Certified Coaches will teach our students the proper
      techniques for balance, skating forward, backward, stopping, picking   Punt Pass and Kick
      themselves up off the ice after a fall, and turning left and right.
      Age: 5-17                                               “Punt Pass and Kick” is an event that showcases the youth‘s football
      Fee: $100 session                                       skills. Players are divided by age groups and will get the opportunity
      Duration: 8-week session                                for one punt, one pass and one kick, and a score is calculated based on
                                                              those results. The score is a combination of distance and accuracy.
      Youth Hockey Skills 2                                   Age: 6-14
      In Hockey 2, USA Hockey Certified Coaches will teach our students   Fee: $10 per child
      to apply what they’ve learned in Hockey 1 and expand on these   Date: September 9, 2019
      techniques by gliding on two feet, proper use of the skate edges,   Gregg/Klice Community Center
      forward and backward stopping and faster turning skills. We will also
      introduce use of the arms and stick in forward and backward skating,
      turning, stopping and beginner level puck control.      Youth Boxing
      Age: 5-17                                               This course will teach
      Fee: $100 session                                       the fundamentals
      Duration: 8-week session                                of boxing. This
                                                              boxing class will
      Youth Hockey – Youth Power, Skills & Drills             help youth develop
      Players must pass Hockey 2 or be evaluated by staff. Curriculum   discipline, respect
      features Power Skating to develop better technical skills with and   and a dedication
      without the puck, allowing the player to control the puck at greater   to wellness while
      speed and with better stability.                        learning progressive
      Age: 5-17                                               skills in boxing.
      Fee: $100 session / $14 drop-in                         Age: 6-17
      Duration: 8-week session                                Fee: Free
                                                              Duration: 1 hour a
      Learn to Skate: Adult Level 1-6                         day / 2 days a week
      Designed for beginning through experienced adults who wish to
      improve their skating skills. Divided into six levels from basic skating
      to more advanced skills, adult skaters will progress at an individual
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