Page 25 - Winter_Spring_Activities_Guide25
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Cards, Games, Books, Dance, and Plants
     Mary Williams-Neal Card Group                           Garrison Book Club
     A time of gathering for lively conversation,            Join the Garrison Community Center Book Club
     playing cards and games, enjoying entertaining          every 3rd Thursday of each month.  We will explore
     and educational programs, and sharing lunch             new and exciting stories to discuss!  All reading
                                                             materials will be provided by Kansas City Public
     ACTIVITY CODE:       254501110                          Library.
     AGE                  FEE                                ACTIVITY CODE:       254507104
     50+                  $2/ day | FREE/ w membership       AGE                  FEE
     DAY       DATES        TIME              LOCATION       18+                  Free
     W/Th/F    1/8 - 2/28   Noon - 5 p.m.     MWNCC          DAY    DATES         TIME                LOCATION
     W/Th/F    3/5 - 5/2    Noon - 5 p.m.     MWNCC          Th     1/16          6 - 7:30 p.m.       GCC
     Adult Game Night                                        Th     2/20          6 - 7:30 p.m.       GCC
     This is a night where adults can come and play some     Th     3/20          6 - 7:30 p.m.       GCC
     of these old childhood games such as connect 4,         Th     4/17          6 - 7:30 p.m.       GCC
     uno, cornhole and a host of other games.
                                                             Th     5/15          6 - 7:30 p.m.       GCC
     ACTIVITY CODE:       254510100
     AGE                  FEE
     18+                  $10 Drop-in
     DAY    DATES         TIME                LOCATION       2 Stepping
     W      1/15          6 - 8 p.m.          WRCC           Fun night of movement doing the KC two-step.
     W      2/19          6 - 8 p.m.          WRCC           Focusing on beginner and intermediate dancing while
                                                             working on dance technique, rhythm and body
     W      4/16          6 - 8 p.m.          WRCC           awareness in a caring, nurturing environment.
     W      5/21          6 - 8 p.m.          WRCC
                                                             ACTIVITY CODE:       254505103
     Terrariums                                              AGE                   FEE
     Join us to make DIY terrariums with live air plants     21+                   $3/ day | FREE/ w membership
     and spring décor.  Fun for the whole family!
                                                             DAY       DATES         TIME             LOCATION
     ACTIVITY CODE:       251506123
                                                             W         1/6 - 3/3     6 - 8 p.m.       MCC
     AGE                  FEE
                                                             W         3/10 - 5/5    6 - 8 p.m.       MCC
     All Ages             $10 Drop-in
     DAY    DATES         TIME                LOCATION
     Su     4/6           2 - 3 p.m.          TACC

     Monthly Bingo Bash                                      Line Dance
     Come join us for monthly Bingo! Once a month we         Line dances are choreographed dances with a
     will be holding a 2 hour Bingo session where the        repeating series of steps that are performed in
     winners will get fun prizes!                            unison by a group of people in lines or rows,
                                                             most often without the dancers making contact
     ACTIVITY CODE:       254510102                          with one another.
     AGE                  FEE
                                                             ACTIVITY CODE:       254501116
     18+                  $5/ Adults | $3 Seniors
                                                             AGE                   FEE
     DAY    DATES                 TIME        LOCATION
                                                             18+                   $3/ day | FREE/ w membership
     W      1/15                  6 - 7 p.m.   WRCC
                                                             DAY       DATES         TIME             LOCATION
     W      2/19                  6 - 7 p.m.   WRCC          W         1/8 - 2/26    6 - 7 p.m.       SECC
     W      3/19                  6 - 7 p.m.   WRCC
                                                             W         3/5 - 5/21    6 - 7 p.m.       SECC
     W      4/16                  6 - 7 p.m.   WRCC

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