Page 32 - Studio Profile
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32                                                                    KC Parks & Rec  2019 Spring/Summer Fun Guide

                  Health & Wellness

        Personal Training
        Ready to enhance your fitness? Meet those health goals? Come
        workout with our certified personal trainers. We’ll help you develop
        a personalized plan and follow you every step of the way.
        Age: 18+
        Fee: $5 drop-in or included in membership
        Duration: 4-week sessions

        Max Out Day
        We are looking for the person who can squat and bench press the most
        weight at Southeast Community Center. There will be a free one-year
        membership awarded to the male and female winners.
        Age: 18+
        Fee: $5 drop-in or included in membership
        Date: May 11, 2019

        Father and Son Run/Walk
        Run or walk 2-5 miles on our indoor track. The goal of this program   Senior Exercise Class
        is to bring awareness of the importance of health and fitness to   To help senior citizens work on their balance, flexibility, strength
        fathers and sons.                                        and overall fitness to have a better quality of life.
        Age: 10-Adult                                            Age: 60+
        Fee: Free                                                Fee: $3 drop-in fee or included in membership
        Date: June 1, 2019                                       Duration: 4-week session, 1 day a week (Wednesdays)
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